Monday 20 June 2011

Honors project work & Degree show university (Uclan) 2011

These are the images of my work exhibited at my degree show on the 10th of June 2011. My work received 'best in show 2011' as well as winning the 'Creative focus award' at the creative festival for Uclan. The work is called 'CURRENT' and will be traveling down to London from the 14th of July to be shown at the Free Range exhibition on Brick Lane.
The project remodels the historic St Enoch’s Travel Centre in the heart of Glasgow’s city centre. Built in the 1800’s the building has had many uses however was primarily built as the entrance to the subway. The uniqueness of the site has somewhat driven the narrative for the remodelling of the interior and exterior spaces. The site’s central location acts as a kind of magnet, pulling people from the furthest reaches of the city using its position on the subway route. The design concept builds on the idea of magnetism, in particular the effect magnets have on iron fillings, which move and create various shape structures in response to the magnet. The design uses the idea of creating structures, which respond to their surrounding environments. These structures are scattered much like iron fillings from the interior right down to the underground, pulling potential visitors to view work exhibited. The design works with the building creating a promotional space for creative people to showcase work and put themselves on the map.

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